AALA Webinar: Nuts & Bolts of the Syngenta Corn Settlement - A Discussion with Co-Lead Counsel
The American Agricultural Law Association is pleased to present a free webinar to AALA members and nonmembers, “Nuts and Bolts of the Syngenta Corn Settlement: A Discussion with Co-Lead Counsel.”
AALA Members and nonmembers are welcome to participate. There is no CLE credit offered for this FREE webinar. This webinar is the result of the work of the AALA Distance Education Committee, which is comprised of members of the AALA. AALA thanks its cosponsor, the Center for Agricultural Law & Taxation at Iowa State University, for providing the technology platform for this webinar. |
Monday, June 4, 2018
12 noon – 1 pm central time
There is no continuing education credit for this free webinar.
Our speakers and moderator are nationally recognized experts in agricultural class action litigation:
Bill Chaney is an AALA member and partner at Gray Reed & McGraw in Dallas, Texas, has successfully prosecuted and defended numerous complex commercial disputes with millions of dollars at stake, multiple parties and parallel litigation across several courts. Recently, Bill has played a key role in pioneering nationwide litigation involving genetically-modified crops. He served as a court-appointed member of the federal plaintiffs’ executive committee that helped farmers, mills and exporters recover substantial financial losses due to contamination of U.S. rice supplies with a genetically-modified variety developed by an international chemical and agricultural company. He is currently serving in a similar leadership role in the ongoing Syngenta corn class action, focused on helping farmers and others hold GMO seed developers accountable for introducing unapproved genetically-modified seeds to U.S. corn supplies.
Don M. Downing, Vice President of the St. Louis law firm of Gray, Ritter & Graham, P.C., has represented farmers in numerous high stakes cases. As national co-lead plaintiff counsel he helped obtain a preliminarily approved $1.51 billion settlement for U.S. corn producers in multidistrict litigation involving Switzerland-based Syngenta. He was appointed national co-lead plaintiffs’ counsel in multidistrict litigation involving contamination of the U.S. rice supply by genetically modified rice that resulted in total settlement payments of over $1 billion. Don has represented hundreds of farmers in several states and recovered millions of dollars in cases involving defective cotton seed and crop damage caused by herbicide drift. Most recently, he was appointed Chair of the Plaintiffs’ Executive Committee in the dicamba multidistrict litigation pending in the United States District Court, Eastern District of Missouri.
To register, click here: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/5377545735975172866