In re Hentz, No. 12-30114, 2013 Bankr. LEXIS 1137 (Bankr. N.D. Mar. 25, 2013)

(trustee filed adversary complaint against debtor in Chapter 7 bankruptcy alleging concealment of assets and information; after trial court held debtor’s discharge should be denied; debtor hid assets by concealing his interest in a business titled in debtor’s wife’s name; debtor intentionally concealed his interest in the business from creditors and concealed his interest post-petition; court convinced debtor played a significant role in wife’s business particularly because wife gave birth to second child during time company farmed 700 acres and debtor supposedly watched tv and went fishing; funds from business were often transferred to wife’s account and used to support family expenses; because of debtor’s contributions and benefits from business, court held debtor had equitable interest in business and debtor hid this interest from his creditors and the trustee with intent to hinder, delay, or defraud his creditors; discharge denied).