Sena Scholma Trust v. Ottawa County Rd. Comm'n, No. 308486, 2013 Mich. App. LEXIS 1751 (Mich. Ct. App. Oct. 24, 2013)

(plaintiffs filed an action challenging a decision from the county road commission, which denied their request for a driveway permit to access their farmland from a stub street in a residential neighborhood; the trial court ordered the commission to grant the permit, but the appellate court reversed, finding that the trial court had not given proper deference to the commission’s decision; plaintiffs were not entitled to relief under the Driveway Act, MCL 247.321 et seq. because the commission’s denial of the permit was not “totally unreasonable”; access was available from a sparsely populated street, which would allow unobstructed access for plaintiffs’ wide farm equipment; the Right to Farm Act, MCL  286.471 et seq. was not implicated by the commission’s actions because the RTFA did not address the permitting or location of field driveways; thus, the RTFA did not preempt the commission’s decision).