Native Village of Kivalina, et al. v. ExxonMobil, Corporation, et al., 696 F.3d 849 (9th Cir. 2012)

(plaintiffs claimed that defendants were at least partly the cause of "global warming" via the emission of greenhouse gases and had conspired to create a public nuisance by contributing to "global warming" and allegedly misleading the public about the consequences of "global warming"; trial court dismissed case on basis that plaintiffs lacked standing for failure to trace their injury directly to the defendants; on appeal, court affirmed; Clean Air Act (CAA) precludes public nuisance claims under public nuisance law in the realm of greenhouse gas regulation; court referenced U.S. Supreme Court opinion holding that federal common law addressing greenhouse gas emissions has been displaced by Congressional action; plaintiffs inadvertently admitted that "global warming" had been occurring for hundreds of years - before the advent of the industrial revolution and the internal combustion engine; court stated that plaintiffs could not "pick and choose amongst all the greenhouse gas emitters throughout history to hold liable for millions of dollars in damages").